After paint body repair


Active member
Jul 19, 2024
Reaction score
Walnut Creek
Hi Mike!
Saw my car at the body shop.
It's covered with a bunch of dust. They did the prep outside rather than inside the shop.
When I get the car back I assume a really good rinse prior to washing.
I will use a fresh mitt for each panel.
Any other suggestions, really trying to avoid scratches!
Thanks Nick
I'll butt in here since Mike is teaching a class this weekend and probably won't get back to you for several days.

A few things. I doubt they will return the car to you covered in dust, I believe they will wash it before presenting it back to you, unless you have made some special arrangement with them not to do that. I'm not sure if you are concerned about scratching the new paint or the old paint, or both, but I wouldn't be under the assumption that the new paint will be perfect, because they have likely sanded and "wheeled" the new paint, and it's unlikely to be perfect.

That's presuming that you are dealing with a normal body shop, if you are having some specialty work done they may be better. Of course, conversely, many of the cars that Mike uses for his classes have custom paint jobs...and he has them in his classes to correct them.
Thanks the shop is more high end they fix Lamborghini and Ferrari, I requested them not to wash the car. I will wash it when I get it home, Mike advised me of doing this