LIVE detailing class! - How to do Topical Glass Polishing to remove water spots and drizzle stains!

Mike Phillips

Staff member
May 21, 2021
Reaction score
Stuart, Florida
LIVE detailing class! - How to do Topical Glass Polishing to remove water spots and drizzle stains!


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There's a distinct type of stain common to automotive glass called,

Drizzle Stains

Drizzle stains are stains that build-up on exterior glass windows that mimic the path streams of water run down the sides of the glass over extended periods of time.

These stain patterns appear when you wipe the glass with a glass cleaner like you see below.


The below picture is a copy of the above picture only I've highlighted a few of the drizzle stains using yellow lines.


Hopefully tomorrow, Yancy will be able to capture the drizzle stains on other side glass of our demo car so you can better see and then understand exactly what are drizzle stains.

Thank you for the video.

Have you ever needed to polish interior glass?

Also, about the coating hazing clear, I'm no chemist but perhaps it is possible to make a coating that changes color when its ready?

Thank you for the video.

Have you ever needed to polish interior glass?

Yes. Both Topical and Sub-surface glass polishing. Topical all the time. Sub-surface only once.

Also, about the coating hazing clear, I'm no chemist but perhaps it is possible to make a coating that changes color when its ready?


Good question for a chemist. Years ago, people used to ask,

How about making a wax turn colors when it's ready to wipe off.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Yes. Both Topical and Sub-surface glass polishing. Topical all the time. Sub-surface only once.

Good question for a chemist. Years ago, people used to ask,

How about making a wax turn colors when it's ready to wipe off.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Thank you