LIVE Online Detailing Class - How to do 1-Step Ceramic AIO Paint Correction - 1982 AMC Eagle 4x4!

Mike Phillips

Staff member
May 21, 2021
Reaction score
Stuart, Florida
LIVE Online Detailing Class - How to do 1-Step Ceramic AIO Paint Correction - 1982 AMC Eagle 4x4!

Here's the video after the LIVE broadcast.


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This week's LIVE Detailing Class!
Tune in this Wednesday at 1:00pm Pacific Time and 4:00pm Eastern Time to see if we can remove the swirls out of the original paint on this time-capsule 1982 AMC Eagle 4x4!

Watch and interact on either Dr. Beasley's YouTube or Facebook page.

Here's our victim!











Look at that ground clearance! Time to 4-wheeling!



First bath in years, maybe decades!



Click here to watch on YouTube!
Click here to watch on Facebook!

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I just watched video, always enjoy watching.

I have a couple questions about pads.

What’s your thoughts on HDO pads on flex vs force pads?

Also, does yellow rupes compare more to Blue or Orange HDO pads?

I going to have to replace some of my yellow rupes pads pretty soon, I do really like them, looking to see if I want to change or keep them.

I could have used that 6mm for the pixie when I did my last set of headlights😀. Ready to get one when they come in stock.

Also, does kovax make Wetsanding disc for gelcoat?

Thank you for the videos.

I just watched video, always enjoy watching.

I have a couple questions about pads.

What’s your thoughts on HDO pads on flex vs force pads?

Great question!

When it comes to foam pads, I think this is the least important factor when it comes to polishing paint assuming you're matching the correct CATAGORY or type of pad to the process and product. For example, use a foam cutting pad with a compound when doing major paint correction. Use a foam finishing pad when doing final polishing, etc.

I like the HDO for their intended purpose, that is using them with LONG stroke free spinning random orbital polishers. The stiffer gray foam backing helps keep the pad more rigid and I think this helps to maintain inertia and thus pad rotation versus pad stalling. Because I normally use one of the FLEX BEAST 8mm gear-driven polishers these types of features are less important because the BEAST polishers are going to turn and churn any pad no matter what. :)

I like the ORIGINAL LC Force pads because they had a more extended edge. The current version is shorter and more rounded. These still work great on BEAST polishers, I just like the extra reach of the old style to get into tight areas.

Also, does yellow rupes compare more to Blue or Orange HDO pads?

I'd say the orange pad. All three use great foam formulas.

I going to have to replace some of my yellow rupes pads pretty soon, I do really like them, looking to see if I want to change or keep them.

I like the CP RUPES pads. CP = Contour Profile. I'm pretty sure I had the most reviews for these pads when they were first introduced and they were all positive. They work great with any tool, free spinning or gear-driven. And they are durable.

I could have used that 6mm for the pixie when I did my last set of headlights😀. Ready to get one when they come in stock.

I still have not heard if they have landed yet on the U.S.A. shore? I'll be talking to Chris Metcalf probably tomorrow - I'll try to remember to ask him about any updates. I will also be in the FLEX booth at SEMA on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00am to 2:00pm each day.

Also, does kovax make Wetsanding disc for gelcoat?

I was just on the phone with KOVAX yesterday and the answer is "yes". I'm placing an order for the 6" - NO HOLE - Assilex discs for all future Extreme Boat Detailing Classes. In the past I've used the Mirka Abralon, which are great if all you want to do is remove deep oxidation. The benefit to the KOVAX sanding discs and interface pad design, is they will tend to create a flatter surface, which will create more of a "show car" finish (like car paint). I have used the KOVAX Assilex discs for machine wetsanding at my June boat detailing class and they not only worked great, I believe they cut faster and LAST LONGER than Mirka Abralon.

Thank you for the videos.


Stay tuned for next week's class - I'm already crossing my fingers I'm able to fix the bird dropping etching and NOT buff through the clearcoat in the process.

LIVE Online Detailing Class - How to remove a bird dropping etching!

Next Wednesday, October 18th, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel, we'll be sharing techniques to remove the bird dropping etchings out of the paint on the hood of a drop-dead gorgeous 1967 Camaro!

Here's the car...

