RV Front Cap Ceramic Coating


Aug 5, 2021
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Recently Bought a new travel trailer and I am thinking bout ceramic coating the front cap of it. my previous trailers and RV's and when I detail for others I use 3D Speed. It works great and has decent longevity. Sun is getting more intense and I want to do something on the cap that will offer better and longer protection. To clarify this is a painted fiberglass front cap, not gelcoat.

GlideCoat seems to be pushing their marketing hard for the RV and marine market. I don't know much about them but they seem to be legit with their offerings. Some of the Dr. Beasley's coating are catching my eye as well as Gtechnig and Carpro.

Looking for thought and recommendations, and what people have to say.

Thanks in advance.
A lot of people would love to have "something" to block UV sun rays off pretty much anything that lives outside, cars, trucks, boats, RV's, etc.

The technology available right now to stop 100% of the UV rays simply doesn't exist outside of a garage, carport, EZ-Up Canopy, etc. It's just the harsh reality. I've been answering detailing questions professionally since 2002 and this is a common problem and accordingly, a common question.

My best advice is to always pick an established brand and then follow the directions. When it comes to sun damage, besides keeping the "thing" out of the sun, the next best thing would be to wash, polish and protect often - don't let the sun or the elements get a foothold.

I wish I had something better to offer, but living in South Florida and watching so many cars and boats suffer the damage caused over time, it's simply a problem that's going to be with us until some type of new technology is invented and introduced to the market and I'm confident it will be here someday.

. Luckily I do have indoor storage as an option.

Take advantage of the indoor storage as much as possible.

I can't count how many times someone has contacted me over the decades from sun states, telling me about how their RV has really bad fading and oxidation on the side of the RV that faces the sun and then the follow-up questions,

  1. How to fix it?
  2. How to prevent it?

For what it's worth, I used to be a real pool guy, but after having some potential skin cancer removed from my right shoulder about a year ago, I don't go to the pool much anymore. The sun is harsh on RVs and people too. :)
