Which Clay Towel is the BEST?

Mike Phillips

Staff member
May 21, 2021
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Stuart, Florida
Which Clay Towel is the BEST?


A past student of our classes sent me an email asking me which clay towels we used for the September class? We used 2 styles and various grades. I wanted to share the difference in the STYLES so here's a few pictures to show the differences.

We use both Nanoskin and Rag Company clay towels. The difference is, the Nanoskin clay towels have a SOLID rubberized surface while the Rag Company Ultra Clay Towels have a PERFORATED rubberized surface.

  • The Nanoskin design offers more actual SURFACE for removing bonded contaminants.
  • The Rag Company Ultra offers less total surface, but the perforated holes provide escape voids for any contaminants loosened or abraded off the paint to migrate into.

What is the practical difference?

With the flat surface design, any contaminants loosened or abraded off the surface are always trapped between the flat rubberized surface and in my mind, this could lead to extra marring of the surface.


With the perforated design, any contaminants loosened or abraded off the surface have place to migrate INTO and thus will not be trapped between the rubberized surface and the paint and in my mind, this can help prevent scouring of the loosened/abraded contaminants from causing unnecessary marring.


Both have benefits, my inclination is the perforated design is safer, but the solid surface design is faster. But the speed difference could be negligible in the big pictures.

Does Claying Cause Marring in the Paint
I know some brands state their rubberized clay substitutes won't mar the paint, but my experience is, anytime you're rubbing a tool like this over a scratch-sensitive surface like car paint, you're going to induce SOME AMOUNT of marring. And of course, the word marring is the fluffy way to say scratching.

For my own best practice and what I have always taught in my classes is that, KNOWING you're going to mar the paint if you clay it with a clay towel, mitt or disc, you should have ALREADY factored in that after the claying step, you're going to do at least ONE MACHINE POLISHING step to remove the marring. Otherwise, I won't clay paint.

So pick your poison.

I got one of the Nanoskin towels last year. Have been wondering/thinking there could be some serious scratching goinb on while using it...
thanks for the great info.
I got one of the Nanoskin towels last year. Have been wondering/thinking there could be some serious scratching going on while using it...
thanks for the great info.

I recently removed overspray which completely covered the car, everything, the glass, the plastic trim, the paint, the door handles, the wheels, EVERYTHING. I used the Meguiar's AGGRESSIVE clay plus a Nanoskin Medium Grade Towel and when I was done, the car was completely filled with scratches that then, I needed to remove.

Happy to say the job is done, the car is gone, and I'll never take on this type of project for the rest of my life unless someone finds a chemical way to remove 100% of the overspray. And for the record, I did try different solvents to try to loosen and remove the tiny little white dots all over the car but to no avail.

So for anyone reading this into the future, keep this in mind, clay bars, clay towels, clay mitts and clay discs will all mar or scratch the paint. This is expected, so don't fool yourself, if you're going to clay a car, you should already be factoring in the fact that you're going to need to machine polish all surface clayed to remove the clay induced scratching.

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For reference...

Just a few months ago, I made what I believe is the most comprehensive video on clay bars and claying with a TON of info.

Just a few months ago, I also wrote what I believe is the most comprehensive article on clay bars and claying with a ton of info.

What Does a Clay Bar Do? Detailing Clay, Explained

