LC Pad Question


New member
Aug 6, 2021
Reaction score
Bancroft Region, Ont.
What I'm wondering is if anyone has found a difference in the finished vehicle after using the white CCS compared to the finished vehicle using the white flat pad in 5.5"? (While also using the same polish for both pads, DA polisher)

I'm quite satisfied with the LC CCS white, green and black pads 5.5" and I was planning on ordering some more pads. If the flats give an even better finish, then I will order accordingly, (both are the same price).

I do understand the manufactured differences between the 2 pads, I'm just wondering about the overall results of the finished product from those in the know.
In my opinion and experience - the pad is the least important factor assuming all other factors are the same - especially assuming great abrasive technology is being used.

After that then also assuming the right "type" of pad is being used meaning cutting, polishing or finishing.

In your instance, the difference between the exact same types of foam formulas and the only difference is one has a dimple in it - there should be no differences.
