Mike on a House Of Rags Podcast 3/10/25

The Guz

Jul 31, 2021
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Los Angeles, California
Mike on a House Of Rags Podcast 3/10/25


Add this to your calendars. Mike will be a guest on The House of Rags podcast, Monday, 3/10.

Use the following link.

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I'll be streaming live from the Dr. Beasley's O.R. tonight. I'm in the middle of the sanding step on a 1977 Pontiac Can Am, so I'll just stop sanding for the podcast and then back at it.


You know, walking the talk and all that. :)

Oh c'mon Mike, you look like all business in that picture, kind of fitting for someone sanding a car that there were only 1100 made. :)

Ha ha, it's all good. And for what it's worth, I take sanding down some other dude's muscle car very seriously. I've sanded and buffed the roof, sail panel and rear spoiler, I always knock out the most difficult body panels first. Now I'm sanding all the thin panels on the car and all the tight or complicated areas.

I thought about doing a LIVE broadcast when I sand and buff the hood, but the paint is white, so it's not going to show dramatic before and after pictures, except for the orange peel before and then glossy, high D.O.I. results after.

I'll share a picture showing how horrible the orange peel is tomorrow.

Cool car. I actually had its twin in the February class.

500 Pictures - February 2025 from the 2-Day Car Detailing Class in Stuart Florida with Mike Phillips and Dr. Beasley's


When I'm done with the sanding and buffing, the car goes in of the same stripes you see in the above 1977 Can Am.

Cool car. I actually had its twin in the February class.

That's crazy, I thought it was the same car. Didn't you have a similar white Pontiac lined up for a different class, but not a Can Am? Or did you have pictures of both of these? I'm so confused. You had a car that came out of a museum, I thought. Anyway, pretty crazy for you to work on 2 Can Ams, there can't be more than a couple hundred of them left in the world.
That's crazy, I thought it was the same car. Didn't you have a similar white Pontiac lined up for a different class, but not a Can Am? Or did you have pictures of both of these? I'm so confused. You had a car that came out of a museum, I thought. Anyway, pretty crazy for you to work on 2 Can Ams, there can't be more than a couple hundred of them left in the world.

I have been confused myself and part of the reason is because it's incredibly rare to have all three of these cars right here in Stuart, Florida and also here for either a class or as a detailing project.

Here's the three cars with comments.

This is a 1973 Pontiac Grand Am
It's a recent purchase from the Lingenfelter Museum.


This is the 1977 Pontiac Can Am that my class detailed


This is the 1977 Can Am that I'm wet sanding
Note there's no pin stripes on the paint yet - they're waiting for me to finish the sanding and polishing.


So yeah, it can be confusing. Cool cars thought and I never see any other detailing class use cars like these for classes.


And just to add to the confusion, while I was in Melbourne, Florida last week confirming the training cars for the May class at the American Muscle Car Museum, I saw Mark Pieloch has added a 1977 Pontiac Can Am to his small collection of old clunkers.




And for those reading this into the future, here's the training cars I've confirmed for the 2-day class in May at the American Muscle Car Museum.

Training Cars for the 2025 May Class with Jason Rose at the American Muscle Car Museum

Ha ha ha, that's too many Can Ams! I think when you first posted one I told you I had forgotten all about that car, I'm not sure whether the reason I knew about it at all was because it was featured in the car magazines or whether I actually saw one in a Pontiac showroom during the brief time it was in production.

It's interesting because (from Wikipedia) it wasn't really a limited edition like a pace car replica, that people would have gobbled up as collector cars, it was just a trim package of the Le Mans (I guess in the way the Trans Am was a trim package of the Firebird), but the cars were modded at an outside shop and apparently the mold for the rear spoiler broke, and upper management, who didn't like the car because they felt it was cannibalizing Grand Prix sales, wouldn't approve replacing the mold, so the run ended far short of the orders they had.
Mike it was great to listen to this conversation during the live stream. At one point there was 101 people watching live which is pretty rare on some of these livestreams.

That's interesting, thanks for sharing. I found Kristi to be a great interviewer. I think she's going to have both Yancy and myself on a future episode.
